Spiritual Intelligence


The Art of Thinking Like God…Two quotients analyze our minds and emotions: I.Q. and E.Q. But Kris Vallotton believes we are ignoring a deeper dimension–spiritual intelligence. Because believers have the mind of Christ through the Holy Spirit, we have the capacity for brilliance. God invites us to embark on a journey of discovery as he reveals mysteries and helps us bring our perspective in line with his–transforming our understanding and endowing us with spiritual intelligence.

In this eye-opening new release, pastor and bestselling author Kris Vallotton says that God invites us to think like him. He answers questions such as:

  • What are the five dimensions of spiritual intelligence?
  • How can I build new neural pathways to supernatural thinking?
  • How do I recognize my sphere of influence and the borders of my divine assignment?
  • And much more!

As you listen to the Holy Spirit and realize what it means to have the mind of Christ, you have the capacity for life-transforming spiritual intelligence unavailable in any other way.

ISBN - 9780800761813

Variant: Book